"Be as thou art shalt be the union of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love within Will"
Frater LHT - V:4 A.N
Students may or may not have prior knowledge of occultism, other orders, magick, or may have many years of study of these matters too. Since the level of an individual cannot be gauged until they have worked for some time with the Order, it is thus, that the same student examination for all students irrespective of stated background is applied.
The purpose of the examination is partly to prepare the student, to facilitate further communication with the Order and partly to teach an important fact; that of the common ground between systems, so as to avoid the trap of dogmatism common to all systems, and to warn against attaching importance to non-essentials.
All students are expected to study the texts associated with the Student Grade, and be ready for examination on the 93rd day from their signing the Student Oath. Successful Students may be invited into the Grade of Probationer. Since admission into the A∴A∴ begins at the Student Grade, a Student must study the following books:
The Equinox, Volume I, Nos. 1-10 by Aleister Crowley and others
Volume I No. 1
Volume I No. 2
Volume I No. 3
Volume I No. 4
Volume I No. 5
Volume I No. 6
Volume I No. 7
Volume I No. 8
Volume I No. 9
Volume I no. 10
777 by Aleister Crowley
Konx Om Pax by Aleister Crowley
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley: Tannhäuser, The Sword of Song, Time, Eleusis
Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
The Shiva Sanhita or the Hathayoga Pradipika
The Tao The King and the writings of Kwang Tze: Sacred Books of the East XXXIX, XL
The Spiritual Guide by Miguel de Molinos
Rituel et Dogme de la Haute Magie by Eliphas Levi, or its translation by A. E. Waite
Part I
Part II
The First Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage trans. by S. L. Mathers
The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley
Study of these books will give a thorough grounding in the intellectual side of Their system.
After 93 days the Student may apply for examination in these books, and if his knowledge of them is found satisfactory, he may become a Probationer, receiving Liber LXI and the secret holy book, Liber LXV. The principal point of the Probationer Grade is that the Probationer has a master appointed, whose experience can guide him in his work.
The Probationer may then select any practices that he prefers, but in any case must keep an exact record, so that he may discover the relation of cause and effect in his working, and so that the A∴A∴ may judge of his progress, and direct his further studies.
After a year of probation The Probationer may be admitted a Neophyte of A∴A∴, and receive the secret holy book Liber VII.
The Student is also required to become familiar with the following four titles; throughout the Student and Probationer Grades. Knowledge of these works will be required and tested. It is expected that each Student will acquire these texts and refer to them regularly:
A. Liber AL vel Legis by Aleister Crowley
B. Liber Aleph by Aleister Crowley
C. The Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie
D. The Book of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley
The Student curriculum of the A∴A∴ should be approached with serious and earnest intentions. Hence it is expected that exemplary work will be provided. If satisfied in knowing that all that may be offered is but a glimpse of one’s own Light which comes from within; if it is understood that only each individual applicant can do the work; then carefule consideration of one's reasons for application should be conducted. Consequentially, if through compulsion of Will an applicant remains compelled toward an aplication for admission into the Student Grade, the invitation to do so remains.
One must first undertake the Student phase of preparation for work in any House of the A∴A∴ Those interested in pursuing admission into the A∴A∴ are invited to contact The House of Thēvdos.
Before first initiating contact with the House of Thēvdos, one should have given careful consideration as to why one seeks to do so and one should be particularly clear as to one's reasons. If one's conduct in doing so is deemed well considered and composed, and one's intent clear, then one may be given further instruction of how to begin Student Study via The House of Thēvdos.
As stated, the Student phase begins with study of a specific set of texts, in order to gain a thorough understanding of these texts. At the beginning of this phase, the Student should notify The House of Thēvdos of their undertaking.
Use only the below contact address in initiating and continuing correspondence with The House of Thēvdos of the A.:A.:
Include one's Full Birth Name and Date, Place and Time of Birth in one's first contact.
Regardless of ones Will and ones path, the best of wishes are sent unto thee as one pursues the Great Work. For every man and woman Be a star.
For all seeking to undertake Student Study with the A∴A∴ House of Thēvdos, you are invited to initiate contact via the email address below:
"Do what thou wilt shalt be the whole of the Law.
Love is the Law, Love under Will"
Liber AL vel Legis 1:57